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JBDavis Company


JBDAVIS Company will complete legal requirements for you or your Company's probate estate accountability to the Probate Court. We have successfully completed probate accountability for lawyers acting in the capacity of Guardianship, Conservatorship, Committeeship and Trusteeship to Superior Court of the District of Columbia, Probate Division.

We have completed the following forms for the District of Columbia Probate Court:

     Form PD-593A, Summary of Transactions   

     Form PD-593B, Schedule "A", Beginning           Balance, Schedule "B", Dividend Income,           Schedule "C", Interest Income

     Form PD-593C, Schedule "D", Annuity               Income, Schedule "E", Rental Income,               Schedule "F", Other Collections

     Form PD-593D, Schedule "G", Gains and           Losses, Schedule "H" Administrative                 Expenses, Schedule "I", Rental Property           Expenses >

     Form PD-593E, Schedule "J", Other                   Disbursements, Schedule "K", Maintenance       and Care Expenses-Distributions, Schedule       "L", Assets

     Form PD-593F, Real Estate (not included in       "L")

Certification and Order

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